Case Study

Cobalt 6 Prototype Screen

  • Size: 0.75lbs
  • Alloy: Cobalt 6
  • *Notes: Creative storage prevents wax distortion

Thin-walled castings can often be problematic for dimensional distortion especially in the wax pattern state. This is often overcome by cooling the wax rapidly – a cold-water bath is common, followed by immediate assembly to the tree or runner and application of the ceramic shell. However, when TPM’s customer presented a dimensionally important and challenging part that required wax printing via rapid prototype methods, common solutions were not possible. Because the wax patterns were printed several states away and shipped to TPM, the thin walls were likely to distort during the trip and/or get damaged from handling.

To overcome this TPM worked with our pattern supplier to use a very lower cost material to print a “cradle” or setter that allowed the higher cost wax pattern to be nested safely and securely during transportation. Each of the wax patterns required to fill the order needed its own setter pattern so using a lower cost material for the setter reduced the cost and provide the nesting needed to assure the parts were undamaged and still dimensional accurate when they arrive at TPM.

The end result is that TPM was able to provide the Cobalt 6 parts to our customer with a very high degree of dimensional accuracy in 3 weeks from PO to delivery. The setters were saved and returned to the pattern maker so they could be used again on the subsequent pending orders.

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